On September 28, 2018, Governor Brown signed into law SB 998, the Water Shutoff Protection Act, which changes the requirements and procedures relative to the discontinuation of residential water service for non-payment beginning February 1, 2020.

SB 998 requires every urban and community water system with more than 200 water service connections to have a written policy on the discontinuation of residential water service for nonpayment. The City must also report the number of annual discontinuations of residential service for inability to pay on its website and to its Council.

SB 998 sets forth the specific provisions and requirements for water service discontinuation, which includes a 60-day waiting period before service can be discontinued. The water supplier will also be required to contact, by telephone or in writing, the customer named on the account at least seven (7) business days before discontinuing service. The water supplier must: (a) offer to provide the customer the system’s written policy on discontinuation of water service; and (b) offer to discuss options to avoid discontinuing water service, including alternative payment schedules, deferred payments, minimum payments, amortization and bill review and appeal. The new law also includes required processes if the water supplier is unable to contact the customer as well as specific mandates for a customer appeals process. SB 998 also offers provisions for low-income customers, and very specified conditions and/or circumstances which a water supplier will be prohibited from discontinuing water service for non-payment.

The policies and procedures within are intended to outline the customers rights related to disconnection of water service.

Annual residential disconnects for non-payment in 2023: 620

Discontinuance and Restoration of Service
Procedure to Petition Bill Review and Appeal

Disconnection Shut-Off Policy