Claim for Damages to Person or Property

  1. Claims for death, injury to person or personal property must be filed no later than 6 months after occurrence. (Govt. Code Sec. 911.2)
  2. Claims for damage to real property must be filed no later than 1 year after occurrence. (Gov. Code Sec. 911.23)
  3. Knowingly filing false claims violates Gov. Code Sec. 12650 and Penal Code Sec. 72 and can be prosecuted as fraud.
  4. You must provide a response to each item; if it does not apply, please write N/A. You may attach a separate sheet to provide details, including pictures, invoices, etc...   
  5. You must sign the claim form at the bottom of page 3.
  6. File claims with City of Norco, Attention:  City Clerk, 2870 Clark Avenue, Norco, CA 92860
