The City of Norco invests in its infrastructure through its rolling five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Using various funding sources (e.g., revenues generated from ratepayers and user fees, grants, and bonds), the City acquires, repairs, and replaces the major assets needed to deliver its services (e.g., water, sewer, streets, trails, street lights, traffic signals and storm drains) to the City's residents and businesses. The CIP includes extensive water and sewer main replacement, replacement of aging equipment, street reconstruction and paving, street striping, horse trail and trail fencing maintenance, new storm drains, new water and sewer treatment plants, and a variety of other projects. 

In general, the City’s capital projects are determined based on available funds, community enhancement, infrastructure, safety, and community need. The fiscal impacts of developing capital projects include future maintenance and operational costs. The interactive map below includes project data from past fiscal years and identifies the projects planned for the current Fiscal Year, their location and the latest details about each project (e.g., schedule, costs, completion rate, etc.).
