
1. Past or present resident of the City of Norco

2. The Nominee made an outstanding contribution towards Norco’s lifestyle and /or development of the public asset to be dedicated by demonstrating unusual and unselfish time devoted to helping others or whose good deeds have helped and/or influenced the lives of others.

3. The Nominee provided visibility, promoted the use of or enhanced the composition of the public asset above and beyond normal efforts.

4. The request must be submitted to the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Office for review by the Parks and Recreation Commission.

5. The name of the Nominee is to be submitted in a formal request with a biography addressing Items 1, 2, & 3.

6. Include a petition with a minimum of seventy-five (75) Norco resident names supporting this request with name, address, phone number and signature.

7. The Nominating individual/group will furnish the cost of purchasing and engraving the plaque and or any costs associated with the Dedication or naming of the facility, park, or building.

8. The Parks and Recreation Commission shall review and advise the Council regarding the merits of all nominations.

9. The Nominee must then be approved by the City Council.

(a) Please note: if requesting a special memorial area or dedication, i.e., park area, tree, playground equipment, park bench, room or a public asset; the above criteria will apply.

(b) Please be advised you should use a format similar to this example. Make sure to identify plainly the name, address and phone number of the contact person for this request as well as the purchasing party for the plaque.

Example: We, the undersigned, do hereby request the City of Norco consider dedicating (description of the facility) for the following reasons. (Your biography or listing of reasons may be in a brief paragraph description format.)

After your description, provide a minimum listing of seventy-five (75) Norco resident names that include the name, address and phone number.