The City of Norco Fire Department provides residents and businesses the opportunity to voluntarily pay a subscription fee of $4 a month on their water bills for Fire Department emergency medical services as part of the Voluntary Emergency Medical Services Subscription Program (VEMS). A subscription to the VEMS Program will cover all members of a subscriber’s household who are permanent residents or visitors of the subscribing household, regardless of the location where the City of Norco renders the emergency medical services. For business subscribers, A VEMS Program subscription will cover all emergency medical services provided to employees and customers at the business address.
An eligible participant who does not wish to participate in the VEMS Program can voluntarily decline to participate in the Program at any time by signing a declination form. A declination form will accompany the water bill during the month of August of each year. Thereafter, a customer who does not wish to participate may obtain a declination form by clicking the following link. There is a link to the VEMS form w/decline at the bottom of this page.