As part of the Norco Franchise Waste Hauler Contract, Waste Management (WM) will provide street sweeping services to the City of Norco. WM has contracted with Sweeping Corp of America (SCA) to provide the street sweeping services. This service strives to ensure that all City-approved arterial, residential, industrial and alley roadways are kept clean. Maintaining clean streets keeps the City of Norco beautiful and complies with the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. The street sweeping agreement requires that every residential street (including private streets) in Norco be swept once a month and commercial/arterial streets will be swept once a week.

There are a few private residential streets that will not be swept due to poor roadway conditions, including Hillkirk Road, Laredo Lane, Wraymar Lane, Elm Drive, Aryana Avenue, and North Drive west of California Avenue). However, if those streets are repaired with a new asphalt surface, the street sweeping service can be added at that time.

The Residential Street Sweeping Map below divides up the City into four zones and the street sweeping company will conduct the work over four consecutive Wednesdays each month.
